min dagbog


Winter is just around the corner。


Hello! I went to a pumpkin carving event with my roommate today!



At first, we chose our pumpkins at a supermarket. When it comes to pumpkins, I haven't seen green skin pumpkins like in Japan. Orange skin pumpkins are popular here. I found pumpkin called 'HOKKAIDO'. It came from HOKKAIDO in Japan!



The event was held in a food court. There was a Japanese food shop and we could eat sushi and ramen! I've been to a few such cozy food market in Europe. It's probably becoming popular in Japan too in the future!


いよいよジャックオランタンづくりスタート!子供たちに混じって本気で作りました笑 上のヘタの部分を切り落とし、中のたねをとり、顔を掘ったら、はい完成!意外と簡単にできました。自分で何かを作るの久しぶりだったので童心に帰って楽しめました!こういうの好きだな〜〜

Then, we started carving pumpkins. We were earnest about creating it. It was my first time and I really enjoyed it like a kid!



友達から聞くまで全然知らなかったのですが、昨日でサマータイムが終わったそう。携帯は自動で合わせてくれていたのですが、家の時計はそのままで今朝軽く混乱してました笑 街もハロウィンを飛び越えてクリスマス仕様に総変わり!風も一層冷たく、夕方には雹が降ったりして、、、冬の訪れをひしひしと感じる1日でした。タイトルの「Winter is just around corner」とは「冬がもうすぐそこまできている」という意味。これからますます寒くなるんだな〜〜

Summer time officially ended yesterday. Actually, I didn't know about it at all until my friend told me... My phone set it up automatically but my clock didn't, so I was confused a little this morning. City was already decorated for Christmas! The wind has got much colder and it hailed in the afternoon! Literally, winter is just around the corner!


とってもHyggeな休日でした!明日からまた頑張ります!最後まで読んでくれてありがとうございます!それではVi ses☺︎

I had hygge time today! Thank you for reading and see you again!