min dagbog




Hello! My roomie said 'Why don't you try to write the blog also in English?' So, I'll give it a shot! If there are any mistakes, please let me know. It would be very helpful to me!


I visited Olleruphøjskole this weekend. I'll write about it.


Q. What is Folkehøjskole?
Folkehøjskole is an educational institution originated in Denmark. Skole means school, but it's different from general school. Everyone aged over 17 years old is allowed to enter the school regardless of nationality. The school don't have test or something like that. There are various types of school specialized fields like art, sport and so on. The school is a bordingschool. Not only students but also teachers live together. The most important thing in højskole is 'Converstation'. So, living together and communicating with each other is regarded as one of the important clues to understand who they are. These days, the number of Japanese students are increasing.


The school I viseted is one of the 'højskoler' in Denmark and it is specific to sport. The school was funded in 1920. It is located in a city called 'Svenborg', it takes about a hour by train from Odense.



The school is well-equipped for sport. It has huge trampolines, training maschines and pools. There are also a music room and a woodworking plant because one of the purposes of the school is trying to do 'variety of things' other than sport.

ご飯の時間になると生徒たちが続々集まってきました。ご飯はビュッフェ形式で自分で取るスタイル。とっても美味しかったです!「Tak for mad!(ごちそうさま!)」はみんなで。食器の後片付けなども当番制で協力して行っていました。デンマークだけでなく、日本も含めて様々な国から来ていてすごくインターナショナルな環境だな〜〜と思いました。世界中の人と衣食住を共にするなんてなかなかできない体験ですよね!

At dinner time, students came together in a cafeteria. It was a buffe style. That was so delicious! After having dinner, we said `Tak for mad! Thank you for dinner!' together. Washing dishes was taking turns. Students was coming from different countries including in Japan. It was very an international environment. It's a kind of special experience to live together with people from all over the world, isn't it?



I talked with some students from Japan. They have completely different backgrounds. However, they found the school in someway and now, they are learning at the same place with having the same ambition. I think they have such a good relationship!


I know about folkehøjskole before coming to Denmark, but visiting in person was the first time. It seemed they were really enjoying their lives there with friends who like the same thing. Above all, they were really friendly, open-minded and humane. I think it has been cultivated through life in the school. It was a very short time, but great experience for me!

Potatoholidayも今日で終わり!また明日から自分のペースで1日1日頑張りたいと思います!!!最後まで読んでくれてありがとうございます!それではVi ses☺︎

The holidays came to an end. It's time to be back to school. I'll continue to do my best on my own pace! 'One day at a time!' Thank you for reading and I hope see you again:)


http://www.ifas-japan.com/folke/ (フォルケスコーレについて:日本語)
https://www.ollerup.dk  (今回お邪魔したOlleruphøjskoleさんのHP)